Blood take service 4.00€

Anti – Tg | Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies
Antithyroglobulin antibodies (Anti-Tg) - produced in the thyroid gland. Tg plays a very important role in the production of thyroid hormones T4 and T3. Elevated serum levels of anti-Tg antibodies (Tg autoantibodies) are detected in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. This indicator should be determined together with ATPO. High levels of anti-Tg together with high levels of ATPO are found in many patients with chronic lymphocytic infiltrative thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease). The anti-Tg test is important for monitoring the course of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and for its differential diagnosis. Including suspected autoimmune thyroiditis of unknown origin with negative anti-TPO test results and in order to distinguish Hashimoto's thyroiditis from non-toxic nodular goiter and other forms of thyroiditis.

Reference: 18011