I – V 07:00-21:00

VI – VII 08:30-20:00

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Jūsų krepšelis yra tuščias

Išsirinkę tyrimus spauskite mygtuką "Į krepšelį"


Blood take service 4.00€

CK-MB | Cardiac isoenzyme of creatine kinase

CK-MB | Cardiac isoenzyme of creatine kinase


Reference: 15069

Determination of creatine kinase cardiac isozyme (CK-MB) activity is one of the laboratory indicators of myocardial infarction. This indicator, unlike troponin T, does not correlate with the extent of damage to the heart muscle. CK-MB, similarly to troponins, can indicate myocardial infarction even when the ECG does not show such pathology. Appearance in the bloodstream (from the onset of pain): 2-6 hours, maximum release time (from the onset of pain): 12-24 hours, return to normal (from the onset of pain): 7 days.

CK-MB | Cardiac isoenzyme of creatine kinase
CK-MB | Cardiac isoenzyme of creatine kinase
Reference: 15069
