Company details
Our services
- Intravenous therapy
- Blood tests
- Vaccinations
- Urine and stool tests
- Medical certificate for work
- Medical certificate for drivers
- Tests programs
- Family doctor's consultation
- SKUBŪS Beta-HCG tyrimai
- Physiotherapy
- Diagnostinės mikrobiologijos tyrimai
- Akcijos
- Covid-19 EXTRA PCR (results within 30min.)
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Working on weekends
- Covid-19 tests
- Urgent tests
- Allergy and food intolerance tests
- Genetic tests
- Remote research discussion
- Preventive health check-up
- Family doctor's consultation
- Doctor's consultation on saturdays
- Orthopedic traumatologist consultation
- Intravenous vitamin therapy (IV)
Our services
- Blood tests
- Vaccinations
- Urine and stool tests
- Tests programs
- Family doctor's consultation
- Diagnostinės mikrobiologijos tyrimai
- Akcijos
- Covid-19 tests
- Urgent tests
- Allergy and food intolerance tests
- Genetic tests
- Remote research discussion

Our services
- Blood tests
- Vaccinations
- Urine and stool tests
- Tests programs
- Nuotolinė laboratorijos specialisto konsultacija
- Diagnostinės mikrobiologijos tyrimai
- Akcijos
- Covid-19 tests
- Genetic tests
- Remote research discussion
- Ausų plovimas
- Wounds tie up
Our services
- FMR doctor consultation
- Blood tests
- Urine and stool tests
- Tests programs
- Family doctor's consultation
- Diagnostinės mikrobiologijos tyrimai
- Akcijos
- Covid-19 tests
- Allergy and food intolerance tests
- Genetic tests
- Remote research discussion
Our services
- Blood tests
- Medical certificate for work
- Medical certificate for drivers
- Family doctor's consultation
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Double breast mammography examination
- Remote research discussion
- Preventive health check-up
- X-ray
- Mammogram tests
- Family doctor's consultation
- Gydytojo kardiologo konsultacija
- Otorhinolaryngologist consultation
- Doctor echoscopist consultation
- Orthopedic traumatologist consultation
- Doctor-surgeon consultation
- Intravenous vitamin therapy (IV)

Our services
- Blood tests
- Urine and stool tests
- Tests programs
- Family doctor's consultation
- Diagnostinės mikrobiologijos tyrimai
- Akcijos
- Covid-19 tests
- Allergy and food intolerance tests
- Genetic tests
- Remote research discussion

Our services
- Intravenous therapy
- Blood tests
- Vaccinations
- Urine and stool tests
- Medical certificate for work
- Medical certificate for drivers
- Tests programs
- Family doctor's consultation
- Nuotolinė laboratorijos specialisto konsultacija
- Diagnostinės mikrobiologijos tyrimai
- Akcijos
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Covid-19 tests
- Urgent tests
- Allergy and food intolerance tests
- Genetic tests
- Remote research discussion
- Preventive health check-up
- Orthopedic traumatologist consultation
Our services
- Blood tests
- Vaccinations
- Urine and stool tests
- Tests programs
- Family doctor's consultation
- Diagnostinės mikrobiologijos tyrimai
- Akcijos
- Laboratory
- Covid-19 tests
- Urgent tests
- Allergy and food intolerance tests
- Genetic tests
- Remote research discussion
- Physiotherapy
Our services
- Blood tests
- Urine and stool tests
- Tests programs
- Family doctor's consultation
- Diagnostinės mikrobiologijos tyrimai
- Akcijos
- Covid-19 tests
- Allergy and food intolerance tests
- Genetic tests
- Remote research discussion