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Detection of herpes SV2 IgG
There are two types of herpes simplex antibodies: IgG and IgM. Antibodies IgM indicate that the body has been in contact with the herpes simplex agent relatively recently (fresh infection or current infection in the body). Antibodies IgG can indicate two clinical situations: 1) previous Herpes simplex infection; 2) fresh Herpes simplex infection or reinfection in the event that IgG titers increase rapidly - approximately 4 times or more in 14 days.
The optimal time to take material for testing is four days after the onset of herpes simplex viral encephalitis.
Genital herpesvirus infection, also known as herpes, is caused by Herpes simplex viruses type 1 and type 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2).
HSV-1 usually affects the mucous membrane of the mouth or lips, HSV-2 - the genitals (penis, vagina, cervix), the skin around the exit opening.
During oral sex, type 1 virus can affect the genitals, and type 2 - the mouth. HSV is transmitted through contact (saliva, blister fluid), during childbirth, and through sexual intercourse. HSV-1 infection is usually contracted through contact with damaged mucous membranes of the mouth or lips, HSV-2 infection - through damaged genital mucosa or during childbirth. The highest probability of HSV infection is if the person infected with this infection has clinical signs - blisters. An infected person can spread the virus even without showing signs of illness.

Reference: 17139