myPrenatal Genome Screen (Trisomies 21, 18 and 13 + aneuploidies X, Y + macrodeletions + duplications + sex)
Genetic screening of the fetus for Down, Edwards, Patau syndromes. Determination of X and Y chromosome aneuploidies: XXY, XYY, XXX and X monosomy (in the case of a twin pregnancy, these aneuploidies cannot be tested, it is possible to determine whether at least one of the fetuses has a Y chromosome).
Determining the gender of the fetus (in the case of a twin pregnancy, it can be determined whether at least one of the fetuses has a Y chromosome, i.e. is male). Determination of macrodeletions in all autosomes (these are partial duplications or deletions larger than 7 Mb).
It is performed from the 10th week of pregnancy in the case of a singleton pregnancy, from the 12th week of pregnancy in the case of a twin pregnancy.
The study is conducted in Spain. The results are sent by e-mail, in Lithuanian, on average within 3-5 working days from the delivery of the sample to the laboratory.

Reference: 19644