Neisseria gonorrheae (PCR) in urine
Neisseria gonorrhoeae - Gonorrhea is a widespread infection that is spread through oral, vaginal or anal sex. Symptoms usually appear 1 to 14 days after sexual contact with an infected person. Gonorrhea bacteria cause different symptoms in men and women. Men experience pain or burning when urinating, white, yellowish or greenish discharge from the penis, swelling of the testicles. Most women have no symptoms, but may experience bleeding between periods or intercourse, pain or burning when urinating. Undetected, untreated or inadequately treated, the infection can spread to the upper genital tract and develop into a complicated gonococcal infection that causes pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility in women and penile edema, epididymitis in men.

Reference: 19038