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Moles appeared after the summer: what to do and what signs can warn of insidious melanoma (skin cancer)?

The skin is the largest human organ and its changes are easily visible. Various skin formations cause apprehensions for many, and some people wave their hands at changes that are obvious even to those around them.

Skin formations are usually benign, such as moles, soft fibromas, hemangiomas, warts, seborrheic keratoses, etc. If you feel aesthetic or physical discomfort due to skin formations, it is useful to get examined and, after assessing the risks, to remove the obstructing formations.

Only about 1 percent. people are born with one or more congenital birthmarks, all other birthmarks are acquired later. The more we are in the sun, the more moles we can have or the darker the ones we already have. However, UV radiation can cause a lot of damage - both darkening skin formations and causing them to become angry.

It is important to examine and monitor altered moles. Of course, melanoma is the most feared, because it is the most aggressive form of skin cancer, which, if not diagnosed in time, can spread to other organs. Fair-skinned people (first and second skin types), as well as those who have had strong sunburns and actively visit solariums, have a greater risk of getting sick. People who spend a lot of time or work outdoors are also at risk. If moles have significantly increased in size, changed shape or color after exposure to the sun, you should be concerned and consult a doctor.

Perhaps not everyone knows that minor surgical operations can be performed quickly and safely in the outpatient clinic, and for this there is absolutely no need to stay in the hospital. Small formations of the skin or subcutaneous tissue, other health or aesthetic problems requiring the intervention of a surgeon at the Rezus.lt clinic, located at Gumbinės st. 33C, Šiauliai, removed surgically or radiosurgery.

Radiosurgery is a safe and quick way to remove various skin formations without surgery: moles, warts, papillomas, enlarged sebaceous glands (lipoma), candilom, angioma and other skin formations. A thin needle electrode effectively removes unwanted skin formations not only in the face, neck or body areas, but also in the hairy part of the head.

Depending on the type and localization of formations, local anesthesia may be applied during their removal, and a histological examination of the formation is performed.

If the patient has a referral from a family doctor, the surgeon's consultation is free of charge.

However, these services can also be applied for by patients who do not have a family doctor's referral, are not insured, or who have arrived from abroad. Services are provided to them for a fee.

Article link: https://etaplius.lt/naujiena/po-vasaros-isryskejo-apgamai-ka-darıtı-ir-kokie-pozymiai-gali-ispeti-apie-klastingaja-melanoma-odos-vezi